Residential vertical forest Residential vertical forest

The Science

Key findings from the IPCC and The New Climate Economy Reports.

Transitioning to a low-carbon, sustainable growth path could deliver a direct economic gain of US$26 trillion through to 2030 compared to business-as-usual, according to analysis for this Report.

The world is already experiencing the impacts of rapid and unequivocal global warming: coral reef decline, sea level rise, Arctic sea ice loss, biodiversity loss, declining crop yields, more frequent heat waves and heavy rainfall.

Globally, in 2017, disasters triggered by weather- and climate-related hazards led to a staggering US$320 billion loss. Also in 2017, devastating floods in South Asia took over 1,200 lives, while communities in the Caribbean are still struggling to recover from the unprecedented hurricane season.

There are clear benefits to limiting warming to 1.5°C compared to 2°C: 420 million fewer people being exposed to severe heat waves, survival of some tropical coral reefs, loss of fewer plants and animal species, and the protection of forests and wetland habitats.

All countries are affected by global warming. But the impacts tend to fall disproportionately on the poor and vulnerable, as well as those least responsible for the problem.

Limiting warming to 1.5°C is not impossible but it would require unprecedented transitions in all aspects of society. Next 10 years are critical.

The decisions we make now will define the world we live in and for future generations. Tackling climate change can be consistent with ensuring that people around the world are healthy, prosperous, have food, clean air and water.

Today, 95% of plastic packaging material value—as much as US$120 billion annually—is lost after first use.Policies which encourage more circular, efficient use of materials (especially metals, petrochemicals and construction materials) could enhance global economic activity, as well as reduce waste and pollution.

Reducing carbon emissions: By 2030, global carbon dioxide emissions must be 45 % less than they were in 2010