I commit myself, and the entire United Nations, to this effort. We will support all leaders who rise to the challenge I have outlined today.
Secretary-General speeches on climate action
Remarks to Japan Ministerial Meeting on Sustainable and Resilient Socio-Economic Systems in the Process of Recovery from COVID-19
“There is simply no rational case for coal power in any investment plan.”
Remarks to the 19th Darbari Seth Memorial Lecture
"Renewable energy needs to grow. And coal use must be phased out. That must be our story."
Remarks at COP25 event on Climate Action for Jobs
"The green economy is the economy of the future and we need to make way for it right now."
Remarks at COP25 event on Climate Ambition
"We need more ambition, more solidarity and more urgency."
Remarks at High-Level Event on Caring for Climate at COP25
"Let’s make 2020 the year we put the world for a carbon-neutral future"
Press Conference with the Prime Minister of Spain
"There is still a long way to go and we are still running behind climate change."
Remarks at opening ceremony of UN Climate Change Conference COP25
"The decisions we make here will ultimately define whether we choose a path of hope, or a path of surrender..."
Opening remarks at pre-COP25 press conference
"Our war against nature must stop. And we know that that is possible."
Secretary-General’s remarks at the press encounter
"Preventing irreversible climate disruption is the race of our lives and for our lives. It is a race we can and must win."
Remarks at the closing of High-Level Political Dialogue of the Pacific Island Forum
"What we ask for is not solidarity, it’s not generosity, it is enlightened self-interest from all decision-makers around the world."
Remarks at the Pacific Islands Forum
"We have the blueprints, the frameworks and the plans. What we need is urgency, political will and ambition."
Opening remarks at press encounter with James Shaw, New Zealand Minister for Climate Change
"[M]ove taxes from salaries to carbon [...] subsidies for fossil fuels must end [...] stop the construction of coal power plants from 2020 onwards"
Remarks to Māori and Pasifika youth at event hosted by James Shaw, New Zealand Minister for Climate Change
"[T]he green economy is the economy of the future and the grey economy has no future"
Secretary-General's remarks at High-Level Meeting on Climate and Sustainable Development
"We have the tools to answer the questions posed by climate change, environmental pressure, poverty and inequality."
Secretary-General's remarks at the closing of the High-Level Segment of the Talanoa Dialogue, COP24
"We no longer have the luxury of time."
Secretary-General's remarks on the 2019 Climate Summit
"The Paris Agreement is not a piece of paper."

Secretary-General's remarks at the opening of the COP 24
"Science demands a significantly more ambitious response."
Remarks at High-Level Event on Climate Change
"Limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees is still possible and will prevent some of the worst-case scenarios."
Remarks at First General Assembly of the International Solar Alliance
"The Climate Summit will provide an opportunity for leaders and stakeholders, both public and private, to demonstrate real climate action and showcase their ambition."
Remarks at High-Level Event on Climate Change
"Climate change is indeed running faster than we are, and we have the risk to see irreversible damage that will not be possible to recover if we don’t act very, very quickly."
Remarks on Climate Change
"The Climate Summit will provide an opportunity for leaders and partners to demonstrate real climate action and showcase their ambition"
Remarks at launch of the New Climate Economy report
"Over 250 investors with $28 trillion dollars in managed assets have signed on to the Climate Action 100+ initiative"