What we are aiming to achieve

This website is for all UN personnel as we are committed to increasing the effectiveness of the United Nations by optimizing the mental health and well-being of its staff. We are aiming for a workplace culture that enhances the mental health of all staff and supports those that experience poor mental health.

This website will be updated regularly so come back for more information.

UN Photo/Manuel Elias

World Mental Health Day celebrates awareness for the global community in an empathetic way, with a unifying voice, helping those affected to feel hopeful by empowering them to take action and to create lasting change.

World Mental Health Day is acknowledged across the world and is an opportunity for us in the UN System to have conversations about mental health.

About Mental Health and Mental Health Conditions

There are often misconceptions when we talk about mental health and mental health conditions. This section will help you understand mental health and the different types of mental health conditions. It also encourages us to explore our biases and perspective in the language we use to describe mental health conditions.

Looking after others and yourself

We can all play a role in improving mental health and wellbeing within the UN System, whether it be supporting a colleague, taking steps to look after our own mental health, and making changes to our working environment so that it supports good mental health for all.
It is not your job to diagnose yourself or someone else. If you are concerned about yourself or a colleague, professional assistance is recommended.

Information for leaders and managers

Leaders and managers play an essential role in ensuring that the UN System supports good mental health. This includes implementing the UN System Workplace Mental Health Strategy, creating a positive work environment and supporting personnel who are experiencing a mental health condition. Click the links below to find out why it is important, and actions you can take.

UN System Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy

The UN System Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy underpins and guides all of the work we are doing in this area. It is governed by an Implementation Board which is multiagency and multidisciplinary.

What is the UN doing for Mental health?

Mental Health and Wellbeing for UN personnel

Mental Health for Managers and Leaders

UN Photo/Evan Schneider

United Nations Secretary-General

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres

“Let us all be part of a healthier workforce as we work for a better world for all.”

António Guterres United Nations Secretary-General