"Blue Book"
Available online, the "Blue Book" contains contact information for all 193 Member States. Information given includes the address and phone number of the Permanent Mission of each Member State in New York City, the name of their Ambassador, and the names of other Mission officials and staff members.
Delegates' Handbook
The Delegates' Handbook is a booklet that contains information of a general nature about United Nations Headquarters and is applicable throughout the current session.
Manual of Protocol
The Manual of Protocol has information every delegate needs to know, from letters of credentials, diplomatic privileges and immunities, and more.
Delegate - The UN Intranet-iSeek for Member States
Delegates have their own website at Delegate, which features news stories, announcements and events in English and French from The UN Intranet-iSeek which are of particular interest to permanent representatives at UNHQ and other duty stations. It also features job vacancies, trainings, and access to tools, local services and documentation, as well as links to a secured portal for delegates in New York ("e-deleGATE").
UN Journal
The daily Journal of the United Nations lists the meetings and events being held at UN Headquarters each day, including General Assembly, Security Council and Economic and Social Council meetings. It lists the time and location of each meeting, what topics are being discussed, and a list of related documents. In addition to the daily UN Journal you can find the Journal for any date going back to 2003.
Access to UN Documents
Available in all six official languages of the UN, Papersmart provides delegates access to documents, statements and meeting-related information online. Delegates can also submit statements for meetings.
Official Document System (ODS)
You can search for UN documentation in the Official Document System. The system provides access to the resolutions of the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council and Trusteeship Council from 1946 onwards. All types of UN documentation are covered starting in 1993.
eSubscriptions, Daily List and UNBISnet
- eSubscription - subscribe to UN documents and receive emails or RSS feeds - enter your email and you're registered.
- Daily list of documents
- Catalogue of UN documents, voting records, index to speeches (UNBISNET)
Dag Hammarskjöld Library
The New York Office of UNITAR (the United Nations Institute for Training and Research) provides professional guidance to UN delegates through seminars, workshops and other training opportunities.
UN News
The main news portal of the United Nations, UN News offers quick access to a range of news-related products and resources. In addition to providing coverage of developments around the UN system, it includes thematic News Focus pages and a searchable databases of speeches by the Secretary-General, as well as an email news alerts service, RSS feeds, Newsmaker interviews, and Photo Stories.
UN Meetings, Coverage of Meetings, Press Releases, Statements, Briefings
Calendar of Conferences and Meetings
Press Releases
General Assembly:
Security Council:
Economic and Social Council:
Spokesman for the Secretary-General
Information on Member States
UN Member States
A complete list of the UN's 193 Member States.
About UN Membership
How a country becomes a member and how a new state gets recognized.
Growth in UN Membership
What year countries became UN members.
Member States on the Record
The views of Member States.
Membership of the Principal UN Organs
Which Member States are members of UN organs.
Contribution to UN regular budget
Percentage of UN budget paid by each Member State.
Honour Roll
Member States which have paid their contributions in full.
Countries which are in arrears in the payment of their dues.